Anime Expo 2003 recap!

OK um hi! I’m home. how are ya?
I’m just going to hit a few details of the trip. I’m not going to post our report because it’s boring.
-We went to Universal and I got my pic taken with Storm.
-At Universal my dad had to get up in front of the Spiderman Rocks audience and dance.
-AX is very big. The weather was incredibly nice.
-Our hotel room RULED
-I got my foot stuck in the elevator door Saturday and some guy ran over and pryed the doors open for me. Ha, ha!
-I got a Saved by the Bell shirt.
-I got a cold (afterwards)
-Ash had a cold all weekend.
-Want to move to CA.
-Still haven’t read HP5.
-Drew some; have scanned it, haven’t uploaded it. Look in sketchblog tomorrow?